Sylvan Baker has worked with People’s Palace Projects since 2006. He is co-founder of The Verbatim Formula, PPP’s project with looked after children, led by Dr. Maggie Inchley, and Co-Investigator of the latest phase of this research.
Sylvan has over 20 years’ experience in using drama for facilitation in the UK and Northern Ireland. He is Senior Lecturer Community Performance Applied Theatre at Central School of Speech and Drama: he has a PhD in Drama from Queen Mary University of London, a Masters Degree in Applied Theatre from Central School of Speech and Drama, and has been an Associate Director at theatre companies in London, Glasgow, and Belfast as well as at People’s Palace Projects between 2010-2015. He has worked as an Applied Theatre consultant, including work for Creative Partnerships London, The Clod Ensemble and Rideout, and has run organisational development programmes in ‘Diversity and Leadership’ for Steps Drama Learning Development. Sylvan is a Fellow of the RSA and an Associate Artist of Clod Ensemble as well as an Associate of PPP.