The Exquisite Corpse

Six groups of young artists, three in Wales and three in Brazil, are creating one “part” of a body performance with just a clue from the group before them.

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Photo: Brenno Erick

Manguinhos: Cultural Strategy as a Tool for Social Inclusion and Mental Health

Mapping local cultural initiatives in a group of Rio favelas to support vulnerable people’s mental health and influence public policy.

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Photos by: Kevin Centeno from Teatro La Plaza

OLA – Latin America

Building Resilience to overcome depression and anxiety in young people from Peru, Colombia and Argentina.

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Kamukuwaká: Recreating an Ancient Indigenous Cultural Site in full size

Using cutting-edge 3D printing to build a restored replica of vandalised rock carvings in the sacred cave of Kamukuwaká.

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Strengthening the Culture Agenda at the G20 Towards COP30

Exploring the essential role of culture in global climate policies and how we can mobilize the cultural sector to influence decisions.

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Museum of Colour

A digital museum to explore, celebrate, and build recognition of the contributions made by people of colour to the nation’s culture

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Photo: Vivian Cardoso

Casa Rio: A Laboratory of Culture

Based in Rio de Janeiro, Casa Rio is our international home for creative exchange between artists, academics, activists and audiences, run by our sister organisation People’s Palace Projects do Brasil.

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Diversity is in our DNA. Art is our action. Research is how we co-create transformation.

We are an arts research centre bringing together artists, activists, academics and audiences to challenge social and climate injustices through the power of the arts – in the UK, Brazil and beyond. Directed by Paul Heritage, People’s Palace Projects is a subsidiary of Queen Mary University of London.

Our key areas

Indigenous Exchange and Climate Action
Indigenous Exchange and Climate Action The heart of this work is in the Indigenous Territories of the Brazilian Amazon region. We support cultural exchange between Indigenous and non-Indigenous artists, activists and academics. Our collaborations have taken us to Venice Biennale 2021, Glasgow Science Centre, Tate ... Read more
Cultural Value and Heritage
Cultural Value and Heritage Our work in this area aims to understand and assess the full creative, social and economic potential of local arts organisations, measuring the value of culture and heritage beyond numbers. Read more
Creativity and Mental Health
Creativity and Mental Health Engaging in cultural activities improves well-being and mental health, particularly for people on the margins of society. Our research projects in this area aim to understand the impacts of this engagement, develop new approaches and share knowledge globally. Read more
Resistance and Transformation
Resistance and Transformation From projects on migration in the Global South, to work tackling bias, racism and discrimination against disadvantaged young people in the UK, all our work in this area aims to resist and transform what otherwise tears us apart. Read more

PPP in numbers

  • 1,341,236 people reached
  • 530 partners
  • 110 completed projects
  • 22 active projects
  • 23 countries

Our voices

Video: Yula Rocha

"PPP took me to London and Madrid with my son, which is really hard to get to from the Indigenous territory. It was really good. PPP is our partner and the team supported me producing a CD of traditional Wauja songs and connecting the new generation in the village to the UK young climate activists."

Akari Waurá, Topepeweke's chief, Xingu Indigenous Territory

“PPP puts culture centre stage in deprived areas like Rio’s favelas. Paul Heritage and his team offered me the opportunity to make new connections and expand my work as an artist."

MC Martina, Becos poet, Building the Barricades

"PPP took me to Xingu in 2017 and I could learn about Indigenous culture and music. We jammed and made music in 3 languages - English, Portuguese and Kuikuro - I was told it was the first new song made there in 200 years! It was an amazing experience that I will never forget."

Conrad Murray, Beatboxer, Artist and Theatre Maker Read more
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