Executive Director
Rosie [she/her] is Executive Director for People’s Palace Projects and deputy CEO to Paul Heritage. A team member since 2009, her remit includes a little of almost everything and a lot of budgets and finance, fundraising, planning, and stakeholder relationship management. The best parts are working with the PPP team and seeing projects come to fruition.
From 2005-2009 Rosie was Executive Director of Battersea Arts Centre, working with David Jubb for a period that included the organisation’s successful campaign to take over the building from Wandsworth Council on a 99-year lease. In previous roles, she managed the Actors Centre for 5 years from 2000-2005; worked in the Arts Development team at Warrington Borough Council towards the opening of Pyramid Arts Centre; was marketing assistant, then programme coordinator for Northern Stage at Newcastle Playhouse; and was one of the four founding members of Creation Theatre Company.
Rosie is a founding director of the Museum of Colour CIC – a heritage and creativity social enterprise that PPP is proud to be incubating. She spent six years as a Board member of the Independent Theatre Council and has also been a Trustee of HighTide Festival Productions Ltd (until 2011), a Board member of Queen Mary Innovation (until 2015), and a founding Trustee (serving until 2024) of Invisible Palace, an arts and heritage charity based in the Crystal Palace area.
Rosie studied English Language and Literature at Oxford University under Lucy Newlyn, a frighteningly long time ago. She understands a bit more Portuguese than she can speak, is thankful that she is no longer a Personal Licensee, and is a spouse, parent and dementia carer who lives in South London.