In 2016, PPP embarked on an interdisciplinary project to uncover the realities of gender violence experienced by two distinct groups: women and girls living in Rio de Janeiro’s largest favela, Complexo da Maré, and Brazilian women residing in London. This initiative sparked a series of impactful projects that combined traditional social science methods with innovative arts-based approaches like photography, theatre, and film.

Now, we are thrilled to announce the launch of the book “Gendered Urban Violence Among Brazilians: Painful Truths from Rio de Janeiro and London“. Drawing on these studies, the book aims to reveal and understand the ‘painful truths’ of widespread, normalized gender violence, from the women’s perspectives, acknowledging the unequal power structures they navigate. It also challenges narrow, culturally essentialist views that confine gendered violence to specific locations or communities.

Join us in exploring this critical work that sheds light on widespread, normalized gender violence.

The book is available for all here.


You can learn more about the projects featured in the book:

Resisting Violence, Creating Dignity

We Still Fight in the Dark

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